Compliance Corner

Checkpoints Keep Us Protected…So Do Check Boxes

When a prospect is having trouble navigating our website and enrollment page, sometimes it just seems easiest to do it for them. Call them up, sit at your computer and enter their information while they are on the phone – seems fine, right? They are right there “with” you and providing all the info every step of the way.

Unfortunately – this scenario causes many corporate headaches for both PlanNet Marketing and our partner in business, InteleTravel. Seriously?!

Yup – seriously.

PlanNet Marketing and our partner have both invested a lotta $$$ into making our websites and systems secure and compliant. As businesses, we have a lot of people to answer to – when a company is collecting the personal data of people, there are rules folks – I mean SERIOUS rules!

PlanNet Marketing has put information about being a Rep and being an ITA on separate webpages
because – RULES.

We require a new enrolling Rep or ITA to include their sponsors information because – RULES.

We added the full language of our Independent Rep Agreement, as well as links to view the full language of our Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, Policies and Procedures and Compensation Plan on the Enrollment page because – RULES.

We placed check boxes and even an initial box on the enrollment page because, again – RULES.

When a Rep does the online enrollment FOR their new prospect – whether a new Rep or new ITA – that person is removing all those checkpoints and checkboxes and all of that information from the eyes of their new prospect. A person on the phone with you can’t read the Rep Agreement or the Privacy Policy. They can’t check the boxes that state they agree to certain policies and then initial that they agree to it all. They can’t do any of that if you are doing it for them. So down the road when they call us up and start asking questions and we say “You checked the box, you agreed, you signed,” and they say “No I did not!” That’s not good.

Help PROTECT THE PLANNET and keep us all working out business and enjoying our freedoms – don’t
do it for them.

Instead, DO IT WITH THEM – you be the person on the phone who is telling them what to enter and where to click – let them do the work on the computer and you give the instructions to make it simple. Let your prospect enter the sponsor info, agree to all the legal stuff, check the boxes for recurring payment, read the BIG BOLD RED warning on the page about spouses enrolling as one Rep, let them sign their initials and click the “Submit” button. Empower them to own their business. It’s a win-win!

-- Policies and Procedures Section 2.2, located in your Virtual Office in the Information Center (go to Resources, then Policies and Procedures).

~Amanda Restivo, Vice President, Compliance --

