Meet New 20/20 Club Member Amber Friedler!

PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Amber Friedler to the 20/20 Club! Amber says, "Hello! I’m from London, England, where I live with my husband and two children. I have a passion for travel, keeping fit, outdoor adventures and making memories with my family. I used to play professional tennis and travelled around the world full-time on the tennis circuit. I then lived in California for over 8 years, graduating and playing tennis for San Jose State University, before working at a school. 

"When it comes to this business and achieving success quickly, I believe it is from keeping consistent everyday, stepping out of your comfort zone, always staying positive and truly knowing the business inside and out. 

"Fun facts about me:
Innate fear of coriander  
Plays tennis double handed on both sides
Can eat Disney Mickey pretzels indefinitely!"

