Meet New 20/20 Club Member Butch Phillips!

PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Butch Phillips to the 20/20 Club! Butch and his wife, Amanda, live in Holiday Island, Arkansas. He tells us, "I was born and raised on a hog farm in Jones, Oklahoma. I have lived a fascinating life enriched with unique experiences. I have a passion for traveling and have explored all 50 states, starting with my parents back in the 60s, and I have visited many other countries as well. Amanda was born in Birmingham, England and traveled extensively with her family, and she has lived in the US for the last 40 years. 

"One of the first four tornado chasers on TV throughout central U.S. in the 1970s and 80s, I helped send the first images of a tornado over a cell phone. After serving in the military and emergency management, I started a computer engineering company along with several other businesses, including broadcast journalism. I have also been involved in Network Marketing since the 80s and have used social media and computers to build my business.

"I retired from the travel industry just a few months before Covid-19 hit, and Amanda is retiring from her full-time job this month as we look to build our business while traveling to destinations around the U.K. and America. Having started this business during Covid-19, it was second nature to do virtual presentations and Zooms. Computers are a tool that can enhance the home part of the business.

"Persistence and willingness to help others have been the keys to my growth over the years. Reading and mindset are as important as breathing and I have been in the Personal Development world for 45+ years. Amanda and I plug into the IMV every morning and look forward to plugging into trainings, especially events like Eagle Weekend, Leadership, and Convention.

"I am a living testament to the fact that life is an adventure, and it's never too late to chase your dreams, explore new paths, and live life on the move."

