The Leadership Spotlight Shines On: Audra Cooper

1. Where you were born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights.
I was born in Tarpon Springs, FL (Tampa Bay area). I am the youngest of six siblings. I am an HR Leader in corporate America and reside in the Dallas, Texas metro area. I enjoy volunteering, outdoor events, festivals and karaoke. I am a hiking leader and always enjoy being active. As a travel enthusiast, I love spa destinations and a good spa day whenever I can get one in. With PlanNet Marketing, I am a One-Star Director and a member of the prestigious 40/40 Club.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
My belief in myself and the business has grown tremendously! I was not a proponent of network marketing prior to PlanNet, but now I love our business and am dedicated to seeing the amazing people connected to me win. Actively participating in PlanNet's events, learning from top leaders and reading have enhanced my leadership skills and expanded my mindset. 

3 What drives you?  What motivates you?
I’m motivated when I see ordinary people realize extraordinary achievements. I’m driven by my desire to help and make a difference in the lives of those attached to me and in the broader community. I have great aspirations for personal and financial freedom, enlarging my retirement fund, helping family and dedicating time and capital to causes that are important to me.

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
I consider the greatest Man that ever lived my role model. He has given me everything I need for life and to “model” His character.

Within PlanNet Marketing, I am inspired by our Founder & CEO Mr. Donald Bradley and all the amazing upline leaders connected to me. I am truly blessed with layers of leadership, and grateful that each bring value to me and have played a role in my success thus far.

5. The three words that describe me best are:
Passionate, Ambitious, and Discerning. 

6. If you had some sound advice to give to anyone, what would it be?
Always believe in yourself. Believe in the business and how it can change the lives of others. Personal growth and development are key to your success. Consistently working your business will lead to quicker growth and help minimize lulls due to attrition. 

7. What does your life look like five years from now?
I will be a residual multiple six-figure income earner on my way to millionaire realizing my dream of financial, personal and time freedom. I will dedicate time and capital to causes that move me.

