The Leadership Spotlight Shines On: Cheryl Rogers

1.‌ ‌Where‌ ‌were‌ ‌you‌ ‌born‌ ‌and‌ ‌raised;‌ ‌current‌ ‌city;‌ ‌family;‌ ‌hobbies;‌ ‌past‌ ‌business‌ ‌highlights.‌ ‌
Philadelphia, PA. I am currently still in Philadelphia with my husband, two children (Amir & Jasmine) and my grandson, Amir. My hobbies are jigsaw puzzles, crocheting and family time. Spending time with my family, laughing, playing games together, etc., is a big thing for me.

2.​‌ ‌How‌ ‌have‌ ‌you‌ ‌grown‌ ‌or‌ ‌personally‌ ‌developed‌ ‌since‌ ‌joining‌ ‌PlanNet?‌ ‌
As I continue to enrich my life through self-growth, I'm more happy with my life; I'm learning how to manage my time better; my mindset has changed and my attitude is more positive; I'm reading and stepping more out of my comfort zone.

3​.‌ ‌What‌ ‌drives‌ ‌you​;​‌ ‌what‌ ‌motivates‌ ‌you?‌
My family is my ultimate motivation.

4.‌ ‌Who‌ ‌would‌ ‌you‌ ‌consider​‌ ‌a​‌ ‌role‌ ‌model‌ ‌and‌ ‌why?‌ ‌
Michelle Obama; she's one of the most powerful women in the world and she inspires people to keep pushing for more.

5.‌ ‌The‌ ‌three‌ ‌words‌ ‌that‌ ‌describe‌ ‌me​‌ ‌best​‌ ‌are​:‌ ‌
Loyal, caring, and a team player.

6​.​‌  ‌If‌ ‌you‌ ‌had​‌ ‌some‌ ‌sound‌ ‌advice‌ ‌to‌ ‌give​‌ ‌to‌ ‌anyone​‌ ‌what‌ ‌would​‌ ‌​it‌ ‌be?‌ ‌
Life is short. Live your life and your dreams; a dream will remain a dream until you take action, so whatever you do, give it 100%.

7.‌ ‌What ‌does‌ ‌your‌ ‌life‌ ‌look‌ ‌like‌ ‌five‌ ‌years‌ ‌from‌ ‌now?‌ ‌
My husband (who will be retired) and I will be living in our dream home and traveling every other month.

