The Leadership Spotlight Shines On: Krishna Chauhan

1. Personal: Where you were born and raised; current city; family; hobbies; past business highlights.... 
I was born and raised in Harrow, North West London, UK.  My parents were immigrants from East Africa, a generation who started from humble beginnings. I studied Economics at University and joined at one of the big 5 banks in the UK and have worked for the same employer for over 20 years. Banking and finance was always a career I wanted to pursue as a child. I now live in Bedfordshire with my husband and two young boys. Although numbers and finance have always been my thing, I also have a creative side. Prior to having children, I took up a qualification in professional bridal makeup and ran a successful side business as a freelance makeup artist for 5 years alongside my banking role. The hours were unsociable so I very quickly gave this up after becoming a Mum. I love to exercise more for the mental headspace. Running and reformer pilates are my favorite activities.

2. How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?  
PlanNet was something I needed, but just didn't know it at the time of joining. I was very narrow minded. I had the career I always dreamt of in my younger years. But in my head, this was the only way to be financially successful, working up the ranks in my corporate role. On paper it looked amazing. It was only when my role was made redundant 18 months after joining PlanNet that I really understood the power of this business and its compensation plan. It has allowed me to grow as a person. My mindset has changed. It has opened up the flexibility to earn in so many different ways, away from the traditional corporate life I had led.  I am now passionate about helping others achieve financial freedom through this business. I am always learning and evolving, whereas in my corporate job, I felt very stuck. I have been able to expand my skills and learnt to adapt into a coaching and mentoring role.  

3. What drives you; what motivates you? 
My biggest motivation is to be able to see everyone within my organisation win. To be able to help them break the narrative and follow their passions. I owe it to them to help achieve their goals and they trusted me when joining. Seeing my team see the same vision and the desire to achieve the same results motivates me to help more and more people. When I attended the 2023 Orlando Convention, I was the ONLY South Asian woman at the event. I am passionate and driven to ensure this community is presented within this company and the network marketing industry. 

4. Who would you consider a role model and why?
My family and my parents. My younger sister and I have never felt short of anything growing up.  My parents brought my sister and I up to be very independent women, giving us the vision that anything is possible if you put your heart into it. I use that same learning and ethos with this business. I want to create a better lifestyle for my children - they are my driving force and WHY.  

5. The three words that describe me best are:
Driven, kind, and dedicated. 

6.  If you had some sound advice to give to anyone, what would it be? 
It's ok not to know everything to begin with, you can learn everything along the way and enjoy the journey of learning a new skill.

7. What does your life look like five years from now?  
Five years from now, this business would have helped me retire at the age of 46. I will be Five-Star Director. I will be using this business and platform to focus and help my community of Indian South Asians around the USA/UK and other countries we are representing PlanNet, to understand and educate on the opportunities of earning income online from this business. I want to be an ambassador for this community and company to show that women of ethnic minorities can be successful and help create a path for breaking the narrative of being financially successful outside of the traditional corporate world, and have their own individual financial security.

