The Leadership Spotlight Shines On: Michelle Carr

1. Where were you born and raised; current city; family hobbies; past business highlights.
I am a proud native of Chicago, IL. I was born and raised by a family of entrepreneurs – parents, grandparents, and extended family. I am a 20+ year resident of Stonecrest, Georgia, where I live with my husband, Dedrick, and three sons: Franck Jr., Brandon, and DJ, and our dog, Rosa, (wo)man’s best friend. My hobbies are family, travel, love football {Steeler Nation}, Michelle’s Self-Care and I Choose Peace Over Chaos. In addition, I am the CEO and investor of Carr Commercial Cleaning Services; a traditional business owner with my husband, Dedrick V. Carr.

2.​ How have you grown or personally developed since joining PlanNet?
I have grown by learning to put myself in other people's shoes; allowing myself to feel their empathy, actively listening and accepting others’ opinions without speaking all the time. I have personally developed into becoming an effective leader, building stronger relationships and understanding the importance of studying to learn and learning to earn.

3​. What drives you​;​ what motivates you?
I am driven by being passionate about what I believe in, and seeing things through to manifestation. I am not after the money. I am after the freedom that comes with having money; these are two very different motivations. Lastly, I will establish a legacy for my family and everyone attached to me; it’s very important that I leave what I have built to the generations behind me.   

4. Who would you consider​ a​ role model and why?
Angela Bassett – she is a woman who makes a difference, whether it is in the little things she does in her everyday life or the grand gestures made in the public eye. She is a female role model who demonstrates and requires a confidence not rooted solely in career or status, but in seeing the value in herself.

5. The three words that describe me​ best​ are​:  
Compassionate, Discerning, and Truthseeker.

6​.​ If you had​ some sound advice to give​ to anyone​ what would​‌ ​it be? 
Integrity! Do what you set out to achieve and just do it! Period.

7. What does your life look like five years from now? 
I will be a six-figure income earner, living in my forever home, a luxury cabin on the lake. Carr Commercial Cleaning Service will be a million dollar company and FREEDOM AND LIFESTYLE WILL NO LONGER BE THE OPTION, IT WILL BE REALITY.  

