Meet New 20/20 Club Member Karen Anderson!

PlanNet Marketing is pleased to welcome Karen Anderson to the 20/20 Club! Karen lives in Wigan, a small town in the northwest of England. She tells us, "I’m a single mum to two amazing children. My hobby is of course travel! I used to work for a very well known high street travel brand but their product has nothing on InteleTravel. 

"I’ve been fortunate to see a lot of the world. I’ve backpacked in Thailand. I’ve been to the USA, Europe, Africa, and Asia a number of times. I love to experience new cultures and food. I’m a huge yellow personality and helping people is what I love the most. Seeing success and how we’re changing lives makes me so happy. I can, however, inject any colour with the coaching and training that we have here in PlanNet. Learning to be a chameleon is definitely needed. 

"Since joining PlanNet Marketing, everything about me and my life has changed. I was stuck in an abusive marriage and didn’t realise my self worth. I had to leave my full-time management job in the NHS because I wasn’t able to function due to my circumstances. I was very sick, physically and mentally. Because of this business and focus on mindset, I’ve seen my own self worth and where I’m supposed to be in life. I’ve overcome some huge battles with the support of the team. I was a shy and very anxious person. I was lost in an abusive relationship and didn’t really know myself. Fast forward and I am owning life. Of course I’m still nervous and I’ve got a long way to go but I’m in a much healthier and happier lifestyle. I am pushing myself outside of my comfort zone every single day. 

"I believe my success is down to the leadership in PlanNet. The lady who introduced me and Director Amber McCauley had more belief in me than I did for myself from day one. I know my beliefs and my loyalty have gotten me an amazing team of reps who see the vision of PlanNet Marketing. I’m passionate about what we do and who we are based on my own experiences and self development. 

"I plug into my leadership team and the leadership across the PlanNet. I attend our in-person events as well as online training. Always attend an event you’re qualified to attend to learn and grow. Duplication is key; however, being your most authentic self and putting your own personality and experiences into that duplication is the reason I believe I’ve achieved. Being consistent has to be priority. Treat your business as a business. I have end goals but I prefer to set myself small goals to hit so I can really feel the movement when I achieve it. I’ve had setbacks but I don’t regret any part of my journey because it’s made me who I am today. And I will continue to grow and develop as a person and as a leader. 

"It’s important to listen to your team. We don’t all have the same lifestyle and circumstances. We can adapt PlanNet Marketing into our lives, there’s no excuses. It’s about planning and managing your time wisely. It will change your life in every way. 

"I believe we have to keep smiling and shining through the clouds. I’ve been hit with some thunderstorms but I have an amazing team surrounding me. The last 12 months the amazing Four-Star Director Louise Gatland has literally put her arms around me and coached me closely. Director Katie Bailes, who doesn't have any financial connection to me, has been my rock and biggest cheerleader. 

"I think my highlight in PlanNet Marketing was going to an event as a Gold Builder and I was asked by Director John DaCosta to say a word which best describes PlanNet Marketing. As a very nervous, shy and shaking Gold Builder, the only word that blurted out was ‘Awesome’. So we are now Team Awesome and we giggle about it often. We have a running joke in our team ‘don’t ever travel with Karen’ mainly because a little bad weather can follow me. I’ve seen tsunamis, hurricanes, even snow in Las Vegas! Most of the team will avoid my flights. 

"There is no place I’d rather be but the best place on the PlanNet!"

